Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice and Criminology

Pursue a Career in Criminal Justice with a B.S. in Criminal Justice and Criminology

The Bachelor’s program in Criminal Justice and Criminology 旨在为学生提供必要的技能和知识,以追求职业生涯的多样化和快速发展的领域的刑事司法. 该计划提供了一个全面的课程,涵盖了与执法有关的广泛主题, criminal justice, and criminology. The program emphasizes practical, 通过让学生接触到各种各样的学习机会,获得实际的学习经验, including internships, and research projects, which allows them to apply what they have learned in real-world settings. Additionally, the program offers flexible learning options, including a web-enhanced program and part-time study. Delta State also offers a Master of Science in Criminal Justice and Criminology.


Student-Faculty Ratio


Employment Rate

(within the first 6 months of graduation)


Award-winning Documentary Film

“Voices from the Sit-in,” a student driven-project in collaboration with the Digital Media Arts program.

Why Choose Criminal Justice and Criminology at DSU?

Professor giving lecture to class with PowerPoint projected behind him.

我们的教师都是各自领域的专家,致力于为学生提供当今就业市场所需的最新知识和实践技能. We offer flexible course scheduling options, 让学生更容易平衡学业和其他责任. We also offer student advisement online if needed, allowing students to receive support and guidance no matter where they are.

  • Applications accepted year round
  • Wide variety of elective courses
  • Latest expertise in criminal justice
  • Combines theory with practice
  • Hands-on activities
  • Wide range of student support
  • Internship opportunities
  • Research opportunities
  • Real-world scenarios and discussions
  • Interactions with guest criminology experts
Mathilde Skovbakke, Criminal Justice & Criminology major

I have had the honor of meeting many respected professionals, from FBI Agents to Forensic Psychologists. 这些课程让我更好地理解了“真实世界”是如何组成的, combining theory with practice. I have also received great career insight and opportunities to network.

Mathilde (Tilly) Skovbakke, Criminal Justice and Criminology majorClass of 2024

Concentrations in Criminal Justice and Criminology


Criminal Justice

The Criminal Justice concentration 在刑事司法和犯罪学计划提供了一个强大的课程,为学生渴望深入探索刑事司法系统量身定制. 这种浓度的结构,以提供深入的了解和刑事司法的各个方面的全面知识. It includes five core courses: Psychology and Criminal Justice, Juvenile Delinquency, Criminal Investigations, Drugs and Society, and Criminal Forensics. These courses are carefully selected to cover a wide range of topics, from foundational principles to specialized areas within criminal justice. In addition to these core courses, 学生必须从刑事司法和犯罪学(CRJ)课程中选择选修课. 这一选修课为学生提供了根据他们在刑事司法领域的兴趣和职业抱负量身定制教育的灵活性.


Social Justice

The Social Justice concentration 刑事司法和犯罪学课程是一门综合性课程,旨在为学生提供对刑事司法背景下社会正义问题的深刻理解. 这一集中包括核心课程,如受害者学和家庭暴力, which are essential for building foundational knowledge in the field. 学生还需要从一系列刑事司法和犯罪学(CRJ)课程中选择选修课, 提供灵活性和机会,使他们的学习适应刑事司法中感兴趣的特定领域. Additionally, the program emphasizes a broad understanding of social sciences; students must choose advanced-level electives from a variety of social science disciplines, including Sociology (SOC), Political Science (PSC), History (HIS), or Social Science (SSC). 这种多样化的课程选择使学生获得对社会正义的多维视角, 为他们提供必要的技能和知识,以解决当今刑事司法系统中的复杂问题.

What Can I Do With a B.S. Degree in
Criminal Justice and Criminology

At Delta State University, 刑事司法和犯罪学课程的目标是为学生提供在刑事司法领域的各种职业中取得成功所需的知识和实践技能. We strive to prepare our graduates to leave our program feeling skilled, confident, and equipped to handle real-world situations. 我们的毕业生准备攻读研究生院或刑事司法和犯罪学的职业生涯有很多选择, such as:

  • Police officer
  • Detective
  • Federal agent
  • Correctional officer
  • Probation officer
  • Parole officer
  • Private investigator
  • Warden
  • Attorney
  • Bailiff
  • Criminologist
  • Drug enforcement agent
  • Litigation manager
  • Paralegal
  • Penologist
  • Teacher

Criminal Justice and Criminology Scholarships

我们知道高等教育的费用对许多学生来说是一个障碍, 这就是为什么KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载致力于让我们的课程尽可能便宜的原因. 我们提供各种经济援助选择,帮助学生资助他们的教育, including scholarships, grants, loans, and work-study programs. 对刑事司法和犯罪学专业感兴趣的学生, there are several scholarship opportunities available at Delta State. These scholarships are typically based on academic achievement, financial need, or specific career goals within the criminal justice field. 学生也可能有资格获得非特定项目的奖学金机会.

Program Goals

KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载刑事司法和犯罪学课程的目标是为学生提供对刑事司法系统及其许多组成部分的全面了解, including law enforcement, the court system, and corrections. 该计划旨在为学生提供从事刑事司法或相关领域职业所需的知识和技能. Students will also develop critical thinking and analytical skills, 以及对刑事司法系统内的道德和社会正义问题的理解. 该计划旨在培养学生成为有知识和道德的专业人士,他们可以为社区和整个社会的改善做出贡献.

Admission Requirements

Applicants of this program must meet Delta State University’s undergraduate admission requirements.

There are no additional program admission requirements.



Criminal Justice and Criminology (Core)

Course Number Course Title Credits
CRJ 200 Introduction to Criminal Justice Policy and Practice 3
CRJ 405 Introduction to Criminology Theory 3
CRJ 407 Criminal Law 3
CRJ 414 Race, Crime, and the Law 3
CRJ 431 Gender, Law, and Crime 3
CRJ 455 Ethics in Social Justice and Criminology 3
CRJ 480 Criminal Justice Practicum 3
PSC 440 The Judicial Process 3
PSC 442 Civil Rights Law 3
SSC 469 Quantitative Methods for the Social Sciences 3
SSC 470 Methods of Social Research 3
CIS 235 Microcomputer Information Systems 3
ENG 250 Workplace Writing 3

Social Justice (Concentration)

Course Number Course Title Credits
CRJ 426 Victimology 3
CRJ 475 Family Violence 3
刑事司法和犯罪学选修课-从尚未列出的CRJ课程中选择15个小时. 15
Social Science electives – Select 12 hours from any 300-level or 400-level SOC, PSC, HIS, GEO, or SSC course not already listed. 12

Criminal Justice (Concentration)

Course Number Course Title Credits
CRJ 321 Psychology and the Criminal Justice Process 3
CRJ 336 Juvenile Delinquency 3
CRJ 410 Applied Criminal Investigation 3
CRJ 461 Drugs and Society 3
CRJ 470 Family Violence 3
刑事司法和犯罪学选修课-从尚未列出的CRJ课程中选择18个小时. 18

Degree Requirements

To earn this degree, you must successfully complete at least 120 credits, 包括你的通识教育要求和下面的专业要求. 主修必修课程成绩不得低于C或特殊学位要求不得申请毕业. 任何低于C的成绩都必须通过重修课程并获得C或更高的成绩来取消.

General Education 39-41
University Requirement 1
Major 72
Electives 3-8

有关学位要求和完成学位所需课程的更多信息, consult the Undergraduate Academic Catalog. 有关如何在4年内完成该学位的学期细分,请访问 academic maps.

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