

When do I apply for retirement and other benefits?

Public Employees’ Retirement System (PERS)


要开始退休程序,a Pre-Application for Service Retirement Benefits is to be completed 3-4 months prior to retirement date. 退休日期不得早于终止雇佣关系后的第一个月的第一天. The retiree should have their beneficiary’s social security number and date of birth, and a copy of their birth certificate.


一旦 Pre-Application for Service Retirement Benefits 已填妥并邮寄至PERS, 福利分析员将对退休帐户进行审计,并准备一份福利估计. This process may take several months. 一旦审计完成,PERS将邮寄给退休人员一个信息包来完成. The packet will consist of a PERS estimate of benefits, 退休申请书, 福利选择及选择, information regarding the partial lump sum option (if applicable), 直接存款表格, COLA选举表格, and a federal withholding elections form. State taxes are not withheld from the PERS retirement account. Depending on the benefit option selection, 受益人的出生证明和社会安全号码应与PERS文件一起提交. 所有填妥的PERS表格必须在退休生效日期后90天内交回.


A retiree may continue health insurance through the plan administrator, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Mississippi (BCBSMS). To be eligible to continue the health insurance, 雇员必须在退休生效日的前一天参加健康保险计划,并参加密西西比州公共雇员退休系统(PERS)批准的退休计划。. 雇员必须在退休前参加健康保险计划满四年.

参加选择性退休计划的雇员,一旦达到ORP帐户的规定,便有资格退休. Retirement eligibility is usually 59 1/2  years of age. 雇员必须工作满四年才有资格作为退休人员继续享受健康和人寿保险. 开始享受退休福利, the employee must contact the ORP vendor/representative (TIAA, VALIC, VOYA) for information regarding retirement options.


An employee is eligible to retire once the provisions of the ORP account are met. The age requirement for retirement is usually 59 1/2.  The employee may want to contact the ORP vendor/representative (TIAA, Corebridge金融, VOYA) for information regarding retirement options.

To learn more about retirement options, please click on the vendors below.



退休后,员工可以通过人力资源部申请退休人员健康和人寿保险. 退休人员可以继续通过蓝十字蓝盾管理的州健康保险计划(计划)获得保险. 人寿保险续期由明尼苏达人寿保险公司管理. 才有资格继续投保, 退休人员必须在退休生效日前参加本计划,并已参加本计划四年或以上. For more information regarding the State 健康保险 Plan, please visit knowyourbenefits.dfa.ms.政府.

继续参加国家健康保险计划的申请应在退休日前31天完成,以避免保险暂时失效. 未能提交 投保申请 form more than 31 days after coverage as an active employee has terminated, the right to continue coverage as a retiree is forfeited. 退休人员保障的生效日期为作为在职雇员终止保障后的第一个月的第一天. Retirement is not a qualifying event; therefore, coverage type changes (Base/Select) cannot be made at this time. 如果退休人员在离职后31天内没有选择健康保险, 退休人员可以在COBRA选举期的剩余时间内参加COBRA保险. 一旦选举期结束,退休人员将无法选择该计划下的保险.

退休人员有责任为自己和受保人选择的保险范围支付100%的保费. The first month’s premium must be paid when applying.  然后从退休人员每月的PERS退休福利中扣除保费,如果每月的PERS福利不足以支付保费费用或参加ORP计划的员工,则由BCBMS直接收取保费 . Direct bill participant’s premium payments are due on the first of each month. Automatic bank drafts are also available.

健康保险 Rates for Non-Medicare and Medicare Eligible Retirees

健康保险 – Non Medicare Eligible Retirees

The State 健康保险 Plan is the primary payer for a retired employee, 谁的年龄在65岁以下, is not on Social Security disability, and is not covered as an active employee under another plan.

If you are under age 65, your coverage is identical to that of an active employee. 不符合医疗保险条件的退休人员要么参加选择保险,要么参加基本保险. Coverage options cannot be change at the time of retirement; however, 在每年10月的开放注册期间,保险范围可能会发生变化.

健康保险 – Medicare Eligible Retirees

65岁以上或65岁以下有社会保障残疾的退休人员, are enrolled in the Plan as a Medicare eligible retiree. 医疗保险是退休员工的主要付款人,该计划将为医疗保险免赔额和未被医疗保险覆盖的共同保险金额提供100%的补偿. Benefits are paid 100% for covered expenses that is not covered by Medicare. 允许的费用是基于医疗保险最高允许收费和医疗保险支付金额之间的差额. The Plan only provides benefits for covered expenses outlined in the 计划文档.

如果退休员工, is eligible for Medicare and does not elect Medicare Part A and B, benefits will be reduced as though Medicare is the primary payer. The Plan will calculate benefits assuming the participant  has both Medicare A and B. It is important to enroll in Medicare Parts A, B and D to receive maximum benefits. Once a retiree is approved for Medicare due to Social Security disability, 该计划将更新他们的记录,以反映医疗保险作为主要覆盖范围,自医疗保险资格生效之日起生效. 本计划还将退还任何超额支付的保费,并重新处理索赔,以计算自医疗保险生效之日起的医疗保险附带福利.


对于不符合医疗保险条件的退休人员, 国家健康保险计划(BCBSMS)包含处方药保险,与积极成员保险相同. The Plan does not provide prescription drug coverage for Medicare eligible retirees. 参与者必须参加医疗保险D部分计划,以获得处方药保险. 退休人员需要确保医疗保险D部分覆盖范围在退休时或参与者年满65岁时有效. An retiree’s pharmacy may be able to assist in finding a Medicare Part D carrier.


  • If you or your spouse is eligible for Medicare, 联系你当地的社会保障管理办公室报名参加医疗保险A部分和B部分. It is important to enroll in Medicare to receive maximum benefits. 即使联邦医疗保险没有当选, benefits under the Plan will be reduced as though Medicare is the primary payer. 参加者应与当地社会保障办公室联系,了解医疗保险的信息.
  • 续保健康保险的申请在退休前一个月通过人力资源部门处理.
  • 一旦登记为退休人员, all changes must be submitted directly to Blue Cross Blue Shield of MS (BCBSMS).
  • 请确保地址及时更新,以确保收到有关人寿和健康保险的所有通信.
  • 登记状态的任何变化,如死亡、离婚、获得医疗保险的权利等., should be reported to BCBSMS as soon as possible.
  • 投保申请 表格可向BCBSMS索取.


在退休, an employee may continue a portion of the State 人寿保险, administered by Minnesota 人寿保险 Company. The employee must currently have the State of Mississippi life insurance program. Application is made through the HR department. The amounts eligible to continue through retirement are $5,000, $10,000 or $20,000. The cost will depend on age at the time of retirement, and premiums will increase each year until age 70. The retiree must apply at least 31 days before retirement, but no later than 31 days after losing coverage, and must pay the first month’s premium when applying. Late retiree applications will not be accepted. 退休人员也可能有资格转移部分或全部作为在职雇员的保险.



Most ancillary benefits are available to continue through retirement. Premiums are 100% retiree paid and are bank drafted. 为了继续享受辅助福利,退休人员目前必须参加辅助计划. Benefits and premiums for ancillary benefits are the same as an active employee. Application for these benefits can be made through 人力资源.


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